Gujarat SSA Aadhar Enabled DISE Child Tracking Updation related new circular
SSA Gujarat student online entry link 2022 Child Tracking Updated Link and Circular 2022 Gujarat SSA Aadhar Enabled DISE Child Tracking Updation related new circular.
SSA Child Tracking Updation related new circular 2021/22 and 2022/23 For students studying in Std. 1 to 12 under Adhar Enabled DISE Child Tracking System to work for 2022-23
Instructions For SSA Adhar Enabled DISE Child Tracking Updation 2022. Download Child Tracking new Circular.
Steps of aadhar dise Form of Online Entry 2022-2023 / adhar dise child tracking system login page.Open ONLINE SSA ENTRY 2021 Below Link for child tracking Online Work.
Search google in ssagujarat website. Go to homepage this site and write your School Dise Code and Your School Password for Login.
Now Click on Manage School Student and Click on Standard 1 for new entry of Standard 1. And Click Other Standard for Updation Work.
Std. 1 to 12 to work for Aadhar Enabled DISE for 2021-2022
Aadhaar Enabled DISE is deployed with a concept adopted from UIDAI to build database of students along with child wise record with Student Name, Parents Name, Date of Birth, Address received from Government.
Important Link:-
Download DISE Circular 2022-23: From Here

Aadhar DISE ssa online entry 2022
Gujarat primary school in Standard 1 new admission Form 2021-22 available on website
Download ssa gujarat Online Data entry std 1 Blank pdf Form: Click Here
ધો. 1 ની નવી એન્ટ્રી & અપડેશન SSA LOGIN લિંક
Aadhar dise 2021-22 On-line entry link work topic
Entry of new admitted students in Std-1 on ssagujarat portal.
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Download DISE Circular 2022-23: From Here
SSA Child Tracking Adhar Enable Dise Standard 1 New Entry Form
The purpose of online entry / update tracking is successfully carried out every year from the school level for the purpose. This year, under 2021/22, up-to-date information including names of students studying in Std. 1 to 12 has to be prepared, web / mobile application working under the entire education such as Online Attendance system.
School Monitoring App (CRC - BRC), WSDP., Divyaan - App, G - shala App, Mindsparks, Transportation System, Gunotsav, Mission Vidya, Re-enrolling school Dropout, Assisting Divyang students, Scholarships, SARAL App, Std-5 Diagnostic Test, Periodical Assessment Test (PAT) is taken from Adhaar Enabled DISE - Child Tracking System (CTS) application for online entry of marks obtained subject wise as per semester.

Aadhar DISE ssa online entry 2022
Open the website of
Then click on Child Tracking System
The click on Login
Username in Application Login - School dise Code and Password - You went.
And Click on Manage Student List in Left side menu bar.
2022 ની નવી સૂચનાઓ:- aadhar dise new student entry 2021 Birthday Certificate instructions pdf download in Gujarati. Download Pdf
Gujarat primary school in Standard 1 new admission Form 2021-22 available on website
Download ssa gujarat Online Data entry std 1 Blank pdf Form: Click Here
ધો. 1 ની નવી એન્ટ્રી & અપડેશન SSA LOGIN લિંક
Aadhar dise 2021-22 On-line entry link work topic
Entry of new admitted students in Std-1 on ssagujarat portal.
Std. 1 to 12 students all Information from other schools in the year 2022-23.
The web / mobile applications of other departments of Gujarat Government such as Digital Gujarat Portal, State Examination Board, and CM dashboard Portal launched by Hon'ble Chief Minister provide the required student data through Adhaar Enabled DISE - Child Tracking System which Due to the success of the Adhaar Enabled DISE - Child Tracking System (CTS) application.
students who have just got admission in Std. 1 will have to have a Birth Certificate for online entry. In order to make online entry of a child, according to the birth certificate, first the district, taluka and village / city in which the child was born has to be selected.
Then the child's birth registration number (Regitration No) has to be entered. Or you have to enter the child's birth certificate number. So that the data from the birth registration application cannot be found and corrected in such a way that the child's name, father's name, mother's name, gender, date of birth, birth registration number and birth certificate number will be automatically entered in the field of CTS. If this data improves, the online entry can be completed by modifying the field of CTs.
Under SSA gujarat, all the 33 districts and 4 Municipal Corporations in Gujarat State are being covered. Under the umbrella of SSA, It is implementing KGBV Yojana, under which, 89 residential elementary schools with boarding facilities are being set up for girls belonging to the disadvantaged groups of SC/ST/ OBC/ Minority and BPL in difficult areas.Also implemented Govt. of Gujarat funded 43 KGBVs with residential facilities only for girls of Std 6to8 and 59 KGBVs with residential facilities only for girls of secondary schools.
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